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Escape from Camp Crystal Lake

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Added 09/2/08

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Started in 2004, this was intended to be the sequel to 2003's Escape from Elm Street. My friend Joe (SleazeRocker) and I paired up to create it, but got in a little over our heads and let the project drop. We worked on and off but eventually progress came to a halt. In 2005 I remade the original Elm Street game, while this one was still on the backburner. Finally at the beginning of 2008 we decided we couldn't let our old work go to waste- so we picked it back up, revamped everything, and finished it out. It worked out pretty well, because we had plenty of time to fix up problems in the game and polish it. Not to mention that music man Josh Kemp expressed interest in creating a custom soundtrack for it, which was an awesome addition to the atmosphere. Enjoy!

Created by Afro-Ninja, SleazeRocker

Content Advisory: mild language, strong violence, mild adult themes

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